Divorce is a challenging and emotional process for everyone involved, especially when it comes to breaking the news to your children.

Talking to kids about divorce requires sensitivity, care, and honesty.

This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on how to approach this delicate conversation, addressing the emotional impact on children and offering strategies to help them understand and cope with the changes.

1. Consider the Age and Developmental Stage

Understanding that children of different ages will process divorce differently is the first step. Younger children may not comprehend the concept of divorce, while adolescents may have a better grasp but struggle with complex emotions. Tailor your conversation to the child's age and developmental stage to ensure they can process the information appropriately.

2. Empathise with Their Feelings

Divorce is emotionally charged, and children will react in various ways. Some might express anger, sadness, or even relief. It's essential to validate their feelings. Let them know that whatever emotions they experience are entirely natural, and it's okay to feel the way they do.

3. Choose the Right Time and Place

Select a calm, private, and comfortable environment for the conversation. Ensure that there are no interruptions or distractions, so your child can focus on the discussion.

4. Plan What You Want to Say

Before the conversation, think through what you want to convey. Be clear and honest about the decision to divorce. Rehearse your speech if necessary, so you can communicate your thoughts calmly and clearly.

5. Use Simple and Age-Appropriate Language

When talking to kids about divorce, use simple and age-appropriate language, and also consider the fact that divorce can impact on children differently according to their age. Avoid complex legal or emotional jargon. Frame the conversation in a way they can easily understand.

6. Start with a Unified Message

It's crucial that both parents present a unified message during this conversation. This shows your child that the decision is mutual and that both parents continue to love and care for them.

7. Explain Why

Children will have questions, and it's important to provide an honest but age-appropriate explanation for the divorce. Let them know that it's not their fault and that it's a decision made by the adults based on issues between them.

8. Reiterate Your Love

Make sure your child knows that your love for them remains unchanged. Explain that you will always be their parent, and your responsibility to care for and support them will never diminish.

9. Be Open to Questions

Encourage your child to ask questions and express their feelings. Be prepared to listen and offer honest answers. If you don't know the answer to a question, let them know you'll find it out and get back to them.

10. Reassure Them About Their Role

Children may worry about their role in the family after divorce. Reassure them that they will still be a significant part of both parents' lives. Let them know they are loved and cherished.

11. Maintain Consistency and Routine

During and after the divorce, maintaining a sense of consistency and routine can provide a feeling of stability and predictability. Stick to established schedules and rituals as much as possible.

12. Encourage Open Communication

Promote open communication between your child and both parents. Encourage them to express their feelings and concerns to both parents. Make sure your child knows that both parents are available to support them.

13. Seek Professional Help When Needed

If your child is struggling to cope with the emotional impact of divorce, consider seeking professional help. Child psychologists, therapists, or counselors can provide essential support and guidance.

14. Work Together as Co-Parents

Co-parenting is a crucial aspect of helping children through divorce. Both parents should strive to maintain a cooperative and respectful co-parenting relationship. This involves effective communication, joint decision-making, and shared responsibilities.

15. Avoid Negative Talk About the Other Parent

Avoid speaking negatively about the other parent in front of the child. Negative comments or conflicts can be emotionally damaging for the child. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of your child's relationship with the other parent.

16. Stay Attuned to Changes in Behaviour

Be vigilant in observing any significant changes in your child's behaviour, mood, or academic performance. These could be indicators of how well they are coping with the divorce.

17. Encourage Resilience and Self-Care

Teach your child the importance of self-care and resilience. Encourage them to engage in activities they enjoy and to reach out to friends and support systems for emotional support.


Talking to kids about divorce is a challenging, yet essential, aspect of the separation process.

By approaching this conversation with sensitivity, empathy, and honesty, you can help your child navigate the emotional impact of divorce.

Providing reassurance, maintaining open communication, and supporting them in their coping strategies will go a long way in helping your child adjust to this major life change.

Remember, children can adapt and thrive after divorce, provided they have the understanding and support they need from their parents.